It was our plan starting today to stay in the studio after the show and set up for the next show, but since Willie learned he’ll be working a day shift for his movie industry friends starting next week, the plans for our next show got ignored again. We’re not sure what time the Monday show will be. It could still start at 9am, but more likely we’ll be switching to an evening timeslot sometime between 6pm and 8pm. The commute to Toronto is hard in the mornings, so he likes to wake up extra early and beat the main traffic. The Toronto job starts early so Willie gets to early in the evening in order to wake up, do his morning farm chores and be on the road as early as possible.
My non-show related issues have been resolved for the most part, so I’m hoping to make more regular blog posts after each show. Some may be video posts and some may be text.
Our next big upgrade is to storyboard the days show and include photo drop-ins and allow for online callers with video capabilities in case anybody watching wants to participate.
This weekend I’ll be working on the website changes because the live site was pretty rough. Its been a lot of work in the background that doesn’t always get seen or appreciated. In addition, I have my regular income-generating job to work on during daytime hours too. Managing my own business alongside show business is a strain I wasn’t expecting but at least I’m enjoying it. Given my A.DD, I work best on tasks that keep me excited and entertained. Willie\s House sure does that. Every show was our best show and that’s the way it should be.
As for Black Friday, Willie and I visited The SOURCE and bought a few items to help the broadcast including a new Samsung S20FE for him, a lapel microphone. They didn’t have the Google TV I wanted in stock, but Google isn’t discounting their new hot product this year so timing isn’t so important. He wants to buy more lights and I want a few greenscreen cloths for added effects but neither of those is sold in local stores so we’ll hit up Amazon or Walmart online this weekend.